What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) combines increased atmospheric pressure with increased inspired oxygen to drive more oxygen into circulation. Typically oxygen is carried on red blood cells. While in a hyperbaric chamber under increased atmospheric pressure, oxygen is also infused into the blood plasma or liquid of the blood. With more oxygen in circulation, our oxygen-carrying capacity increases dramatically. The benefits of HBOT are due both to this acute infusion of oxygen, the pressure on the body, and the changes in the expression of various genes, at least 8000 of them, during a more extended hyperbaric protocol. The genes modulated by oxygen help decrease inflammation, create more blood vessels, and prevent cells from dying (apoptosis).

HBOT Pressure

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Inside a hyperbaric chamber, we simulate the pressure you feel under a certain amount of seawater. It is this pressure that drives supra-physiologic levels of oxygen into circulation due to Henry's Law, a physics law which states that the more pressure put on the gas (in this case, oxygen), the more of that gas that goes from a gaseous form to a liquid form. Typically oxygen is carried on red blood cells but when there is pressure, oxygen can diffuse directly into the plasma of the liquid of our bloodstream in huge amounts, up to 12 times what's possible just on red blood cells. This is the key to HBOT. Without pressure, there would be no oxygen super saturation. This is why a face mask of oxygen is not the same as HBOT.

How many times should I do hyperbaric oxygen therapy?

Generally, HBOT treatments are given daily, five days per week. The number of treatments needed can range from a few to 40 or more, depending on the condition and its severity. We typically recommend 20 sessions at an average of 2 to 3 hours per week for health issues, or around 1 hour per week for general fitness, anti-aging, etc.

Pressure Effects on Physiology

In addition to pressure driving more oxygen into circulation, pressure also has a significant effect on our physiology. This mechanical force, also sometimes called shear stress, is affecting your cells, your blood vessels, your lymphatic system, your CSF (cerebral spinal fluid), and pretty much everywhere else, including inducing the firing of action potential of neurons on the brain.

Our body naturally pumps blood from our heart to our periphery and back to the heart using high flow vessels (arteries) and low flow vessels with valves (veins). We have lymphatic vessels that are like the garbage superhighway of our body, helping us rid ourselves of cellular waste products. The lymphatic system is where most of our immune system cells are stored as well. There’s also cerebrospinal fluid that is produced in the brain’s ventricles and circulates throughout the brain and spinal cord.

Any pressure induced mechanical force/shear stress is going to enhance flow through these fluids simply by creating more stress on them. BUT,..and this is the interesting part: There is the hypothetical possibility that increasing pressure on vessels actually increases the amount of charged or structured water around vessels. This charged water concept has been proposed by Dr. Gerald Pollock at the University of Washington. With more charged water around fluid filled vessels, the amount of structured water or as Dr. Pollack calls it, EZ water (exclusion zone) water is made. And when there’s more EZ water, water flows faster.

Plus, this shear stress related to pressure activates mitochondria ATP production directly. So you get more energy produced with increased pressure too!

What does HBOT have to do with aging?

It might be shocking to hear but HBOT can reverse it!
HBOT works at the cellular level, impacting every cell in your body. It’s like upgrading the engine in your car. The hyperbaric environment (higher than normal air pressure) forces more oxygen into your blood. As a result, your whole body has access to at least 45% more oxygen than it normally would if breathing sea level air and up to 1200% more oxygen under certain circumstances. The result of this massive oxygen infusion into the bloodstream--and the delivery of more oxygen to tissue-- is decreased inflammation, new blood vessel formation, exponential stem cell release, the killing of bugs that don’t like high oxygen environments, and the saving of at-risk tissue. Sound important? HBOT, like oxygen, is kind of a big deal.

HBOT Increase the Number of Blood Vessels?

HBOT has been found to increase the number of blood vessels in the body through a process known as angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is the formation of new blood vessels from existing ones. During HBOT, the body is exposed to a high concentration of oxygen, which stimulates the production of growth factors that promote angiogenesis.

One of the main growth factors produced during HBOT is vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). VEGF is a protein that plays a critical role in the formation of new blood vessels. During HBOT, the production of VEGF is increased, which promotes the growth of new blood vessels.
The number of blood vessels in the body is crucial for maintaining the health of organs and tissues. Blood vessels are responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients to the body's organs and tissues, including the brain, heart, and muscles. Blood vessels also help to remove waste products from the body, such as carbon dioxide and lactic acid. In addition, blood vessels play a role in regulating blood pressure and temperature.

As we age the number blood vessels we have diminishes in all locations, including the brain. And when we loose brain blood vessels, we start losing brain tissue the function that goes along with this. The less metabolically healthier we are and the the more inflammation in the body, the faster this process occurs.

The growth of new blood vessels can help to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues, which will improve their function. It can also help to remove waste products more efficiently, which is essential for detoxification and overall health.

An increase in the number of blood vessels can also be beneficial for people with certain medical conditions or injuries. For example, people with peripheral artery disease (PAD) have narrowed blood vessels, which can cause pain and other symptoms. HBOT has been found to improve blood flow and increase the number of blood vessels in people with PAD, which can improve their symptoms.

PAD is just one example. HBOT can also grow new blood vessels in the brain, enhancing brain function, in the heart, enhancing heart function (including V02 max), in the genitals, enhancing erectile function, and practically any other place where new blood vessels are needed.

Benefits of HBOT

1. Reduced Inflammation

Inflammation is a common cause of several health problems, including sleep disorders. HBOT helps reduce inflammation by increasing the oxygen supply to the body, which, in turn, reduces inflammation and promotes healing. It also upregulates genes responsible for decreasing inflammation and down-regulates genes that are responsible for inflammation such as interleukins and TNF alpha.

In addition to diabetes, chronic inflammation caused by elevated glucose levels can also lead to heart and cerebrovascular disease by damaging the lining of blood vessels, leading to the formation of plaques that can block blood flow and cause heart attacks and stroke, respectively. HBOT is well known to increase insulin sensitivity, leading to a drop in glucose levels during treatment.

2. Improved Brain Function

HBOT helps increase the oxygen supply to the brain, which, in turn, may improve brain function. Several studies have shown that HBOT can help improve cognitive function, memory, and concentration.

3. Boosts Immune System

HBOT helps in the production of stem cells, which are responsible for the repair and regeneration of tissues. This, in turn, boosts the immune system, making the body more resistant to infections. HBOT induces all cells of the immune response which helps heal wounds faster.

4. Improve sleep quality

Alleviate symptoms of sleep disorders. One of the primary reasons for sleep disorders is the reduced oxygen supply to the body. HBOT helps increase the amount of oxygen in the body, which, in turn, improves the quality of sleep. Improve the symptoms of restless leg syndrome, a common condition that can negatively affect sleep.
Sleep disorders can significantly affect the quality of life of individuals. While there are several treatments available, HBOT has emerged as a promising therapy for better sleep.

5. Others

Helping with migrene, wound healing, helping with skin condition, asthma, dementia, Alzhaimer, autism, stroke, cancer.


* Untreated pneumothorax

1.History of spontaneous pneumothorax
2. Severe sinus infection
3. Upper respiratory infection
4. Asymptomatic pulmonary lesions on chest x-ray
5. Uncontrollable high fever (greater than 39C)
6. History of chest or ear surgery
7. Congenital spherocytosis
8. Recent thoracic surgery
9. Claustrophobia
10. Epilepsy
11. Pregnancy